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Alchemy of Mastery

Biofield Tuning | Akashic Biofield Healing | Alternative Healing & Wellness in Los Angeles


Alchemy of Mastery


15260 Ventura Blvd
Sherman Oaks California 91403
United States


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In the beginning of creation, it is written, there were two manifestations: Light and Sound. As we awaken to this greater reality that everything is made of energy, we seek what seeks us: greater healing, expansion, vibration, consciousness, and Light that is fully embodied. It is the Living of Heaven on Earth. It is a place in which we are fully tuned into and connected to the power of true nature. This is our most original Self before all the stories that we have created in our minds, emotions, and realities.

The term 'biofield' refers to the electro-magnetic field that surrounds our body and the energy it emits. Any electrical device emits a magnetic field. We are electrical beings meaning first and foremost we are energetic in nature composed of the elements of Light and sound - the first two manifestations of the Universe. We have a biofield or bubble around us. This is well-known and has been scientifically measured. Even the Earth has a plasmic biofield that protects us from radiation and energetic atmospheric fluctuations. (HeartMath does great research on this!) This bubble, or plasmic field, around our bodies holds our memories - charged experiences like traumas and life events that cause us to shatter. In Shamanic Medicine it is referred as losing a part of ourselves. Luckily, these lost pieces stay floating around us in chronological order - like rings on a tree. The tuning forks can "feel" the lost pieces and reorganize them into a coherent fuel and resource. They then guide them back to the body where they are integrated and made whole.

Tuning forks work therapeutically according to the physics principles of resonance and entrainment. Tuning forks first resonate with any distortion or dysfunction in the body's field and then produce a stronger, coherent frequency. This entrains the body to a more coherent expression.

The overtones and undertones produced by the tuning forks interface, like sonar, with these acoustic emanations of the body. The tuning forks are able to locate areas of "noise" in the signal. These pockets of noise are held like nodes or eddies in the standing waves contained within the biofield and may relate to experiences of physical, mental or emotional stress from any point in our lifetimes.

The body can self-regulate when the noise is located on the field. It will then become more harmonious and express your original Self.


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